Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ridge's Update

My little Ridgey-where to start

Ridge is truly a crack up. All boy!!

He loves to sing. He still sings Happy Birthday, Jingle Bells or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but now we can add "Follow the Prophet" and "Popcorn popping"and "I am a Child of God"

He is officially in my preschool full-time which has been an interesting venture. He is great in there, but also one of my hardest. He loves the kids and songs and doing the crafts but he doesn't understand that the way he plays, or the things he likes, isn't necessarily what everyone else likes and quickly becomes the person everyone fights with. So he's still my little bully of the class and yet half the age and size. Kind of funny. He's a smart cookie though. He can count to 10 and tries to 20.

Play fighting is truly a love of his. Whether with fists or whatever he can make into a sword. He once said that he has a bog sword like Peter Pan. Luckily he's still soft when he hits. I worry for the day that might come when he will hit harder and cause real harm. For now, its funny. I know I will probably eat my words very soon. He always starts or runs saying "You wanna bight"-

He truly believes that his name is Ridgey and not Ridge. Thanks Cambree :) He's huge into pretend. It is HILARIOUS to watch him with his little dinosaur on his hand. He will start yelling at his own hand for doing something. He pretends he's a tractor all the time. The other night he was picking up and we couldn't figure out why he was doing it the way he was-he was using his arm like a tractor bucket and literally scooping up the things he was cleaning like he was the bucket. It was cracking us up. To top it off, he was making the noises with it.

I've said it before, but Ridge and Brecklynn are so cute to watch. He loves his bebe as he puts it. He will watch her and make sure she isn't putting anything in her mouth she shouldn't be. Can make her laugh like no one else.

He is my early riser by far. My two girls will usually sleep in till at least 6:30, but somtimes later. Ridge is usually up at 5:15-6:00 the latest. Why I still can't figure it out. Scares me with the summer coming and how he'll be. He also still gets up once, sometimes twice a night for no reason. Sometimes I think its a bad dream because he's crying about Cambree hitting him, or his arm getting hurt etc. Other times its hard to know why he wakes up.

Spiderman is his new love. I doubt anything will ever take over his love for Tractors, but we can now add spiderman to the list.

Most words like Spiderman start with a 'B' is Ridgey terms. So Spiderman is Biderman. Like Fire Truck-bire truck, or sword-bord

He's my sweet tooth. He's always asking for candy or juice. Healthy stuff just doesn't go with him. He loves gum.

Cambree and him play pretend a lot, and its funny to me how he always wants to be the 'mom' or 'the princess'. Ticks Cambree off :) There's times where you can convince him to play the right role, but he's adamant at times of playing the female role.

Ridge has mastered the art of 'dying'. Not sure I should really brag about it, but its hilarious to watch. Cambree will tell him she got him and he dramatically will fall to the ground like he's dead. Or if he gets 'shot' he will throw himself to the ground and make a huge 'uhh' sound.

Now more than ever, we are constantly getting people asking us if we dyed his hair because it is so dark. Ridge has a great little memory and won't let something he likes go. So he still talks about Disneyland all the time and asks to go there all the time, but now we can add the Zoo that list and seeing giraffes and the elephants.

These pictures were fun. He's so easy to photograph. He will laugh at anything and has the cutest smile. I love it.