I'm finally posting our Halloween fun. I already wrote about the preschool party Friday. Saturday was a lazy day for the most part. However about 5 we got the kids in their costumes. They were so excited. They had seriously been waiting and asking about it ALL day. We finally put Brecklynn in her costume too. She made a super cute little pumpkin.

We first stopped by Nana's to say hi before heading to our trunk-or-treat. Brecklynn eyed the candy immediately and kept reaching for it. It was cute to watch her.

We then attempted to find our ward's trunk-or-treat. For some reason we couldn't find it. So we went back to the church and crashed that trunk-or-treat. It was so crazy there. Every room in the church had some kind of game going on and it was like sardines in the hall. The kids were oblivious to the whole thing though. They loved every game.
At one point Ridge got to do the cake walk and won a cupcake. He wouldn't let me hold for nothing. He insisted on holding it in one hand and his pumpkin in the other. Even doing trick-or-treat, he wouldn't break from his cupcake. He ate his cupcake as he walked. It was interesting to watch. The kids made out awesome in the candy department. We didn't do any real trick-or-treating with it being on Sunday this year, but they didn't need to anyways.
After finishing there, we went to Tesia's for a bit to show off the costumes and she had a little something for them. That little something was a large bag of M&M's for EACH kid. They wanted to eat it right then too. Ridge was already on a sugar high, but man it got so much worse.
So Halloween was great this year. It will be fun next year to have it on a Monday and enjoy all the joys of Halloween but it was still fun.
Also, as many know, we announced our pregnancy (finally) on Sunday. There have been several questions that I figured I would just go ahead and answer.
First I am about 3 months.
No we aren't finding out the gender.
Yes I have been VERY sick this time around. More than I have ever been. Its literally knocked me off my feet. But I am hoping to get better soon.
No its not twins. We checked :)
Yes of course we are excited. We are officially DONE after this one. I will have 4, 5 and under and that's enough for me. 4 is enough for me and Curtis. So I hope to get to a point where I can enjoy this 'last' pregnancy.
We'll keep everyone updated. Thanks for all the congratulations and well wishes. I really appreciate it.