This has been a crazy month. I don't know where its gone actually. So here's my attempt to catch up on everything that has gone on before things really start to get hectic.
My Grandma Meikle and My Aunt Diane and cousin Melissa and her baby came down to visit for a couple hours. It was so nice to be able to catch up and go out to eat with all of them. Its been too long :)

Cambree did a day cheerleading camp. I didn't know how she'd do since it was 9-2 but seems like she did ok. They performed 2 cheers/dances and amazingly Cambree did well and actually performed like she does at home :) She got to do it with her cousin Ava and friend Charly Jae. I think she had a lot of fun.

Despite having a new born, I've still tried to keep the kids entertained. My mother-in-law has offered on several occasions to watch Brielle so we could go. The kids love the pool. In Brecklynn's words 'the bafff' (bath). Its been fun to enjoy this with the kids.

Cambree is very excited to start Kindergarden. Everything lately is about the fact that she's old enough now because she's 5. Cracks me up. She brought up at one point that now that she is 5 she can hold Brielle standing up. Then she says when she's 6 she can hold her with one hand. We'll see :). She loves to work on reading and homework. She loves to help me with chores. I cannot believe she is going to school. Going to be very weird without her. Her favorite movie right now is Twilight which is funny to a lot of people. Her Aunt Jarica taught her how to play a Twilight song on the piano and she loves that she can.
Ridge hasn't really done a lot lately. He's getting smarter as we do our little 'preschool' every day at home. He has had a hard time not being whiney still. We are really working on it but it still is a daily problem. Its been a joke lately (not to Ridge) but Curtis will call him Ragina when he starts to whine. He hates it and will get all serious and yell "stop calling me that".
We had fun when LeMae and her kids joined us at the pool one day. Little Carden didn't care too much for the water but Ecksen was fearless.

Cambree has been able to reconnect with her old best friend Kierstin at the pool. Its amazing to me that despite any time lapse, they pick up like they never were separated.

Brecklynn's little personality has been cracking us all up lately. She is speaking in full sentences and just hilarious. She really thinks she's older than she is. She loves her brother and sisters a ton. I love to watch her with them. She's recently found sunglasses and LOVES them. Just some funny things that she says is:
* color-ky-ee She loves to color and unfortunately colors on everything. If she gets a hold of a crayon, or pen or any writing utensil then she marks up something. Its been a permanent marker on her clothes, herself, crayon on our cabinets, doors and walls and pencil on our walls going down the stairs.
* Ridge- Adgy
* Hold her- admy meaning let me hold Brielle. She does this a lot and you let her and she just pushes her away pretty quickly after.
She won't say Brielle's name. Just calls her baby. She won't call Rachel, Rachel but calls her Chace.
She nonstop wants to go to Nana's house. I think its actually just a game to her to ask me or ask where Nana is all day long.
She talks nonstop. You can't get her to be quiet. She has this really funny walk that she does at times. She loves to brush her teeth. If she could, she'd do it all day long. She HATES nursery with a passion. I can't figure out how to help her with that. You walk in the direction of nursery and she flips. Curtis and I have swapped off taking her but its ridiculous.

Brielle looks more and more like Ridge every day. I thought it would be the opposite by now but its not. I am not going to post much about her since her 2 month post will be here around the corner.

On top of all this, I did my first yard sale almost two weeks ago. It was quite the undertaking but it felt good to de-clutter and I got rid of all my baby boy clothes. It was a weird feeling seeing them get sold but I'm glad too. It was very tiring but I made over $450 which was nice. Cambree came a long too and it was fun having some time just with her.
Despite what a true challenge this past month has been, I feel blessed to have this life and to be able to enjoy it like I am.