Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day

We had a wonderful relaxing Labor Day. We got projects done all weekend to get ready for the preschool to start, and enjoyed Monday bumming around. About 2:00 we went up to Mtn. Graham with Adam and Laura Reed and Chace and Rachel Norton (Good friends of ours). We all brought lunches up and enjoyed the cooler weather and played games. The kids were in heaven. They needed no direction or entertainment. They were happy playing in the dirt and exploring. Ridge and Gavin were constantly at odds with sharing and at one point were constantly dumping dirt on each other but they were still cute together.

As part of our entertainment, the boys got a rope and tried pulling each other up the tree. Curtis was the lightest one and the only one able to be pulled up the tree.

Adam, for the heck of it, decided he wanted to climb to the very top of this tree. We all thought he was aboslutely crazy. I still do, but he made it up and down ok. The kids thought it was so funny how pieces of the tree kept raining down on them.

It was a really fun day. It makes me want to go camping up there soon before it gets too cold. While we were there, the temperature was around 60 degrees. About 35 degrees cooler than in the valley. CRAZY!! I even got a sweatshirt on at one point. Just a great way to spend the day with the family.

A week in pictures

Its been a crazy week. I started preschool today so things have been stressful getting last minute details all together so I am a little behind in posting. So here is last week in pictures.

Ridge loves his hat so much. He refused to take it off to sleep.

Last week Cambree was showing GG her dance moves outside and turned around and missed her step and went face first into the cement. It sounded awful. I thought for sure her tooth was gone. She was covered in blood and her lip was completely cut in half. Her tooth had gone through her skin and bent back. Luckily it doesn't look like she'll lose it but man it was bad.

It was so cute, GG was trying to get her mind off of her mouth. She told her that she was going to pray for her that night and that Heavenly Father would make her feel better. Cambree started crying harder and said 'No I don't want to go to church. I am so ugly'. Oh the things they say.

Ridge has been so stink'n cute lately with Brecklynn. He loves his baby sister. He is always telling her 'its ok' when she's crying and comes and gets me to stop her crying. He loves to get down with her on the ground to play with her. I can't wait to see this little relationship grow.