Thursday, May 17, 2012


Cambree went back into gymnastics this year. She loved it. It was every Tuesday. She was put in a more advance class called Hot Shots so they met for 1 1/2 hours. She always came home wanting to try to do it more at home. She practiced all the time. She almost has her kick over. 

So she had her first gymnastics recital. It was quite the production. Cambree loved having makeup on.

 After the dress rehearsal we had her friends over (Charly Jae and Ava) for a bit. These three together are always so funny. They had a dance party for us. And of course took these lovely pics. 

 Here's she in the actual recital. 

 After she got some flowers. Her first in fact and she couldn't get over it. Nana came to support and she enjoyed having her 'fans' there. 


Anonymous said...


Everything on here is amazing - the photos, the stories, the culture of your family... it's perfect! Thank you so much for sharing and we look forward to following your posts.

- Stephen