Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cambree's 6 year old interview!

Favorite Show: Bubble Guppies
Favorite Movie: Shamu
Favorite Song: Justin Bieber Boyfriend
Food: Cereal or lasagna
Food you don't like: pickles
One place you want to go to: Disneyland and Sea World and Zoo and Museums
What makes you happy: When I play with my little sister all the time
What makes you sad: Brecklynn just biting me on my wrist
Candy: Licorice
Toy: Barbies
Color: Blue and Purple
Favorite thing about school: Doing P.E.
Activity to do: Do chores
What was the best thing about being 5: Went to school and had some fun on the playground
Boyfriends: Yes Teagun and Carter
What do you want to be when grow up: Ariel because she is a beautiful girl


Allison Barry said...

Chantel, I kind of was planning on talking to the people before hand, but now I really am thanks to you! I'm glad that I now know someone with the same experience and that you guys survived :)