Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brecklynn is 11 Months!!

I cannot believe this little girl is already 11 months. Where did this past year go? I seriously cannot believe how fast time seems to fly with kids.

Brecklynn is getting to be so active. She really thinks she can walk. If she can be up standing, she will be. She climbs on EVERYTHING!!! I swear at times, she's harder then my two other kids combined. I cannot take my eye off of her for a second. She has discovered how to close doors and constantly shuts herself in a room and freaks out. She loves the toilet. Yeah :)

About a week ago she started saying 'hi' and 'bye' while waving her hand in this super cute way. She also has started to do the 'uh oh' noises. Pretty cute.

She is recovering from yet another double ear infection. So she is on track for getting tubes. Another yea!! But we did get to see how much she weighs now and she's at the 19lb mark. This is great considering when she had that bout with strep, she got down to 17 pounds. So we were happy with her gain. She eats ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. She's an oinkler. I am amazed at how much she'll eat. She gets mad if you don't share.

She's discovered the art of throwing tantrums. Its over the silliest of things too. She will throw herself on the ground and roll around and scream. Her scream sounds like she got hurt or was in pain, but no its just her being upset. Very annoying.

Books are a new favorite. If you let her, she would sit and read with you for hours. She loves to point at things and look at you to tell her what they are and then smiles with a quick laugh and goes to the next thing. Love it.

Music and dancing is fun for her now. She moves her head and body to the music and gets all excited about it.

She can finally officially hold her own bottle. She has been able to laying down for awhile, but in her car seat and sitting up, she can now alone which is great!!

She still only has 4 teeth, but her top teeth remind me of goofey. They're so cute. Love them.

Her hair is in that in between stage of being long enough to do different styles beside pebbles and too short to just leave it alone. Even better, she hates having her hair done. I will do it sometimes 6 times a day and then I will finally give up on doing it. Ridiculous.

She crosses her legs all the time. No matter where she is sitting, she crosses them. I have gotten used to it but I have people all the time point it out and think its so cute.

She's so stink'n cute. I still cannot believe she is about to be one. Makes me so sad. Now I am having to think of what to do for her birthday. I think Sara and I are going to do a joint one for these little guys. Should be fun. Here's to one more month of this little girl officially being my baby ;(


They do look like twins don't they?