Monday, June 15, 2009

Just some funny stories from the week

This past week, several things have happened that I didn't want to pass up documenting. 

On Friday, Rachel went to get her hair done, so I watched Luke. We decided to go on a golf cart ride. My kids just love to get on there and visit all the local animals. We first checked out the chickens, and across from the chickens is a white horse that we frequently visit. Cambree got out, and got close to the fence. The horse came over and started smelling her hair. She was laughing and I thought it was cute. Then all of the sudden, the horse grabbed hold of a large chunk of her hair and started pulling her up. She started screaming bloody murder. I was in shock at what I was seeing. Here I had Ridge on my lap, Luke was watching and Cambree was getting attacked by a horse. I got up and luckily all I had to do was touch his nose to get him to let go, but the trauma had already been done. She was devastated and I can't say I blame her. Her hair was all wet and matted to her head, really gross. I tried to laugh it off with her and make it something funny rather such a scary thing and I think its worked. She's been telling everyone about her encounter and we've seen several horses since then and seems to be doing ok still. But can you imagine? 

Yesterday we were getting ready for church. I got Cambree dressed and all set to go. Then I started on Ridge. I have never heard of a 20 month old as fashion opinionated as he was being. He had a certain shirt he wanted to wear and it was dirty. So of course I wasn't going to let him. Well he threw a fit. I tried to let him pick out another shirt and he just wasn't having it. He was stuck on that one shirt and nothing else was going to work. I finally got a shirt on him and he walked around the house pulling at his shirt and went to Curtis to 'tattle' on me. Then I tried to put on his church shoes and he refused those as well. He found his new shoes that are still too big for him. I gave into that request since it was still ok looking but couldn't believe his stubbornness over getting dressed. He truly is following after his sister. Just very funny. 

Anyways, I'll get more pictures soon and will have pictures to post, just had to share those stories. Erin Householder took pictures for us last week and am very excited to see how they turned out so as soon as I get those back, I'll be posting those as well.


Unknown said...

I have never heard of a horse doing that - so weird. She must've smelled like grass.